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“I became interested in reproductive medicine when this field was in its infancy in our country. I am proud of the patients I helped and contributed to solving their infertility problem. Never lose hope! Nothing is impossible and we will solve everything together!”


“Most of all, I am proud of my grateful patients and their trust in me, which I constantly feel. Reproduction is a very interesting and rapidly developing field. Facing new challenges and being interested in them is an important push to promote human reproduction!”


“Taking care of patients is an integral part of my life. A good nurse is the doctor’s right hand, his confidant and the patient’s confidant.Together with patients, I share and experience all successes and failures. My every day starts with taking care of people’s health, and I’m glad to be part of a big and […]


“My day starts early in the morning and ends late. All this time I devote to the care of our dear patients.Things never go wrong at our clinic, and I’m glad that I played an important role in this mess!”


“I think I made the right decision when I chose embryology. Each process is very interesting. The field of embryology is constantly improving and developing. As an embryologist, I am an independent part of a large team. In this field, without teamwork, the desired result cannot be achieved. Therefore, we are all equally involved in […]

What should we know about In Vitro Fertilization?

Modern medicine is developing day by day, offering unprecedented possibilities along with innovations. It has been more than 40 years since the practice of in vitro fertilization (IVF) was successfully introduced into the field of medicine. In vitro fertilization is a type of Assisted Reproductive Technology that involves combining sperm and eggs outside the body […]

What should we know about Male Infertility?

During a significant period of history, society tended to attribute infertility solely to women, paying little attention to men’s reproductive issues  (in many cases). According to statistics, in 40-50% of cases of infertility, the cause is attributed to men. Today, public attitudes towards this issue have changed, as medical education and information has become more […]

What should we know about Female Infertility?

Whether it’s a first encounter with infertility or a years-long struggle, it’s a problem that many couples around the world have to deal with. According to international statistics, one out of every 6 couples struggles to overcome the problem of infertility, which is an average of 17.5% of the adult population. Fortunately, modern medicine is […]